Social Page

Data collection, accuracy, and validation
All comments and posts are streamed and stored in real-time. Sentiment analysis is performed on the comments, and mentions of company names, socially-known company founders, and stock tickers are found from within the text. All data found is real-time and updated within 10 minutes of view. Similarly, quality-assurance algorithms are run on the data to ensure that posts removed by subreddit moderators are removed for the express purpose of bot/spam prevention. Duplicate mentions from the same user over a span of 24-hours are similarly removed, to prevent individual users from drastically swaying the statistics in one way or another. No bots (AutoModerator, VisualMod, etc) are included in the data. Machine learning via entity recognition is performed to obtain lists of possible company names and stock tickers, (with checks for potential 'misses'). Regardless of particular formatting of any given company or entity, each explicit mention of a company name, ticker, or relevant CEO will be found. Similarly, we record a high correlation (>95%) between the number of post exposures, the number of posts, and the number of comments in comment-validation.

Social Page

Graphs and data over time
In tracking Reddit, there are three primary forms of data: * Direct mentions in a comment. * Direct mentions in a post. * Indirect mentions by users, in which a post mentions a stock, and a user comments on the post, indicating that they have seen the title and/or skimmed the text of the post submission. Each individual metric gives an idea for how popular an individual stock has been amongst all subreddit communities. However it's often easy to lose sight of what an indirect mention means when compared to a direct mention. Thus, the popularity metric weights the importance of direct, explicit mentions of stock tickers in comparison to their indirect counterparts. Similarly, if a stock is mostly indirectly mentioned on a post, but nowhere else, this must be accounted for, otherwise metrics become easy to manipulate. Thus, the 'popularity' metric accounts for differences in the number of indirect and direct mentions of a given stock.

Stock Page

Data collection, accuracy, and validation
This page, specific to each individual stock, is meant to show all relevant, aggregate information for a given stock's earnings and mentions. On each individual stock page, you can similarly see each type of mention for the stock, both over time, and in aggregate over the last day, week, month, or all time, filtered by individual subreddit if desired. Moreover, it's now simple to view the earnings anticipation or reaction for any given stock without trying to tirelessly analyze a stock graph. The stock page easily displays the next upcoming earnings date in addition to how the market has reacted to the stock's earnings historically. Furthermore, it's also easy to see the exact stock movements that the market is pricing in, essentially giving an easy way of knowing how much the stock will need to move in order to earn money on an options trade.

Data Transparency

In understanding the stock market, it is tough to understand the motive of those presenting data to you, or whether the data is accurate. In all currently-existing websites that track Reddit mentions, it is impossible to see where the actual mentions come from for each specific ticker -- the Reddit posts themselves. Thus by simply clicking on a stock, it is easy to see all recent Reddit posts that Mention FYI's proprietary algorithms have discovered. Furthermore, for any given stock searched, it is easy to see exactly how many mentions that stock earned on a given day, through mentions of its company name, ticker, or founder / CEO. It is similarly easy to see the aggregate data over time (in the last day, month, year, or all-time) for the given stock). Explicit post mentions have been completely backfilled up to roughly one year ago. Aside from explicit post mentions, all data presented dates back to December 14, 2021 -- the earliest date of complete data collection.